Rebecca Mellor, Interdisciplinary Artist, Entrepreneur, Educator

Running Man
Ceci n'est pas une pipe
African Mask
Spoon label
African sculpture
Acid Reign

van gogh, sotherbys, manet and me

Video work used to advertise Vieunite through Sothebys and Selfridges.

Special mention at the NTU x Vieunite Awards 2022. Part of a triptych, ‘Lawn I, II, III’ 2023/2024

Rebecca Mellor - Lawn

Indonesian Supreme Court in Gelt Woods

13 years after creating a viral video campaign ‘Save Gelt Woods’ highlighting the illegal destruction of protected ancient woodland, I was invited to guide the Court on a fact finding mission exploring the protection of natural environments from corporate greed and malfeasance.*

Indonesian Supreme Court
Indonesian Supreme Court in Gelt Woods

The African Art Collection


Sole photographer for stunning and diverse collection of African Art sourced responsibly directly from crafts-people and artisans from around the African continent. Including tribal masks, sculptures, ornaments and ceremonial pieces.

Visit the collection
African sculpture
African tribal mask
African sculpture
African tribal mask

Socially engaged interdisciplinary artist. 
Founder of award winning social enterprise.
 Interested in the intersectionality of variables influencing individual and social identity and experience within our communal contexts and personal lives. 

Lots and lots and lots of art, exhibitions, live events and interventions...

Rebecca Mellor - Oh Where, Where Is My Hat?
  • Running Blinkered


    Rebecca Mellor - Running Blinkered
  • Declining, Surviving, Thriving


    Rebecca Mellor - Declining, Surviving, Thriving detail
  • Tullie House Secret Garden


    Rebecca Mellor - Tullie House Secret Garden
  • Headcase


    Rebecca Mellor - Headcase, Carlisle 2010
  • Running Blinkered

  • Declining, Surviving, Thriving

  • Tullie House Secret Garden

  • Headcase

Rebecca Mellor - Exhibition, Carlisle Old Fire Station 2
Rebecca Mellor - Declining, Surviving, Thriving detail
Rebecca Mellor - Exhibition, Carlisle Old Fire Station 2
Rebecca Mellor - Declining, Surviving, Thriving 3
Rebecca Mellor - Not Without Leaving
Rebecca Mellor - Red Tape
Rebecca Mellor - I can't go on
Rebecca Mellor - Headcase
Rebecca Mellor - Spoon
Rebecca Mellor - Life Drawing
Rebecca Mellor - Acid Reign
Rebecca Mellor - Ceci n'est pas une pipe - This is not a pipe

Partners & Collaborators

Age UK
Alzheimer’s UK
Arts & Humanities Research Council
BBC Cumbria
Brathay Trust
Carlisle City Council
Carlisle College
Carlisle Unity Festival
Community Mental Health Teams
Cumbria Alcohol and Drug Advice Service
Cumbria County Council
Cumbria Foundation
Cumbria Pride
Cumbria Probation Service
Dirty Hands Artist
ESH Communities
European Scrabble Championships
European Social Inclusion Funding
Healthy Hopes Cumbria
Liverpool John Moores University
Malta Scrabble Open
Marine Conservation Cambodia
Mindfulness In Action Cumbria

Network of Wellbeing
Newcastle City Council
Nottingham Trent University
North Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
Outreach Cumbria
People First Independent Advocacy
Private providers of care for young people
Public Health England
Red Cross
Rotary Club
Ruskin Museum
Salvation Army
Scrabble World Championships – Mattel
Sellafield Ltd
The State Management Story
Sustainable Carlisle
Tel Aviv Scrabble Open
Theatre by the Lake
Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery
UNITY Addiction Support
University of Cumbria
Various projects undertaken with UK primary and secondary schools
Virgin Trains
Workers’ Educational Association
World Mental Health Day